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Ground | Fixed Satellite Antennas

Cobham Antenna Systems produces antennas with gains from 7dBi to 32dBi, with linear, dual-linear, circular or dual-circular polarisations.

As transmitters, these antennas can tolerate up to 50W input power. As receivers, their system gain-to-noise temperature (G/T) can be calculated, and we can provide all the information relevant to that.

The lower gain, lower frequency, L-band and S-band antennas have very high efficiencies, with low side-lobes, which provide for optimum G/T.

Panel Antennas

Modest-gain, C-band and X-band, flat panel antennas can replace small parabolic dishes and horns, providing a very low profile, which is especially useful if these are to be used with steering mechanisms.

We have worked closely with Inmarsat to produce a high-gain panel antenna that functions remotely from the Inmarsat Regional BGAN system, which is used for broadband applications around the world, where terrains are hostile or arduous.

To view our standard range of antennas, please visit the Antennas section of this site. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us to discuss your requirements.