20 April 2023
The Link 16 protocol uses frequency bands that cover 960-1215MHz and all antennas in this range are
rugged, designed for extreme weather and temperature and have been used in battlefield conditions
without affecting the performance or inhibiting mission requirements.
Link 16 systems can be incorporated into MIDS, JTRS and JTIDS systems for high data rate transmission
where multiple bands will be in use.
Chelton offer the following in our Link 16 suite:
- Omni Antennas for Ground, Vehicle and Marine applications
- Sector Antennas
- Blade Antennas
- Bandpass and Bandstop Filters
- Accessories including mast deployment kits, bespoke vehicle mounts, bags and cases.
Click here to view our latest brochure
For more info, please contact newmarket.sales@chelton.com