EVD2-2.3/1406 This omni antenna has been designed for security applications, fixed and mobile. It is rugged, compact, and may be used indoors and outdoors. Connector options are available
Frequency 2.2 to 2.4GHz Gain 2dBi
OA4-2.5V/1542 This omni antenna may also be used in fixed or obile security applications, and for integrated solutions. It is rugged, with vertical polarisation.
Frequency 2.28 to 2.70GHz Gain 4dBi
HOA2-159L-GPS/1577 This is a hemi omni antenna that has been designed for combined GPS and satellite applications and has an integrated passive GPS antenna. It is suitable for use with the Thuraya network and other mobile satcoms applications.
Frequency Sat 1.52 to 1.66GHz, GPS 1.56 to 1.59GHz Gain 2dBi Polarisation Sat Left Circular, GPS Right Circular
FPA7-TRI/1589 This directional, triple band antenna has been designed for security use, and has been used for Cellular DAS and ECM applications. This is a variant of a standard triple band antenna and features circular polarisation. It may be used indoors or outdoors.
Frequency 0.88 to 0.96GHz, 1.71 to 1.88GHz and 1.92 to 2.17 GHz Gain 8dBi